
Bruxism is a problem in which you unconsciously grind or clench your teeth. You may clench and grind your teeth during the day. Or, at night while you sleep (sleep bruxism). You may not even realize you have it.

Signs and symptoms vary, and can include:

  • Abraded teeth

  • Chipped or cracked teeth

  • Facial pain

  • Overly sensitive teeth

  • Tense facial and jaw muscles

  • Headaches

  • Dislocation of the jaw

  • Locking of the jaw

  • Wearing away of the tooth enamel, exposing the underlying dentin (inside of the tooth)

  • A popping or clicking in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)

  • Tongue indentations

  • Damage to the inside of the cheek

  • Wear facets (flat smooth areas created on the biting surfaces of the teeth as they are rubbed together repeatedly)

The symptoms of bruxism may look like other conditions or health problems

To help solve this problem, we create a NightGuard. It is a flexible mouthpiece, customized by your dentist, which aligns your teeth and jaw so that your neck, facial and temporomandibular muscles can rest, protecting your teeth and jaw while you sleep